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Twm Clwyd: 10. Cwn Sombi Ydi'r Gorau

Age Group: 11+ 7+
Format: Paperback
Series: Twm Clwyd

Author: Liz Pichon
Translator: Gwenno Hughes
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The tenth Welsh title in the bestselling series, from the brilliantly talented Liz Pichon. Here's my EXCELLENT PLAN to make MY band the BEST band in the WHOLE-WIDE WORLD! How hard can it be? (Very.) Right now I'm going to: 1. Write more songs. (Not about teachers.) 2. Make a SPECTACULAR music video. (Easy.) 3. Get some sleep. (Tricky when you're being kept awake by LOUD NOISES.)
Product Details
Published Date: 30 April 2024
Genre: Children's Welsh
ISBN 13: 9781804163887
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