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Dyddiadur Dripsyn: 13. Gelynion

Age Group: 11+ 7+
Format: Paperback
Series: Dyddiadur Dripsyn

Author: Jeff Kinney
Translator: Owain Sion
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THE ONE WITH THE WINTER BATTLE! *The thirteenth laugh-out-loud, fully illustrated bestselling Wimpy Kid book!* 50% words, 50% cartoons, 100% hilarious! Snow has shut down Greg's middle school! Which should be exciting, but now his neighbourhood is a wintry battlefield. Can Greg and Rowley navigate the art of war when their street goes into meltdown? Or will they even survive to see another day?
Product Details
Published Date: 15 October 2024
Genre: Children's Welsh
ISBN 13: 9781804164174
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